August 6, 2015

Summer in Spain.

It's been about seven months since I posted but here I am! As the title says "Summer in Spain" I'm here to tell you about my experience studying abroad last month. But before anything, anyone reading this, if you actually have the chance to go, DO IT. And I'm not talking about having the money cause I definitely didn't have the money instantly. I mean, if your school is offering the chance to study in another country, you have to do it. I remember coming into university and not even declaring my major, I knew that within these four years I was gonna take myself to another part of the world. And I did. 
Anyway, why did I choose Spain? Well, you know how you always have that country that for some strange reason fascinates you because of what you seen from the people and culture, well that was it. My sophomore year in high school, my love for Spain was declared and especially watching the national soccer team play in the World Cup that year, it just put the cherry on top lol (Fernando Torres over everything). The first time I went to Spain in 2011, I went for like a week and it was the greatest tease ever. I didn't really get to see Spain the way I wanted to so I knew that if I were to study in another country, that was the place it was going to happen. 
So fast forward to right now. Aside from getting credit on this trip, I was mainly looking for adventure and it's safe to say, I definitely got it. Not only that but spirituality, education, self-reflection and romance in the oddest way haha. The change this trip has done to me is deep. Like it left a scar on my soul but a beautiful one. Just the perception of going to a foreign land where no one knows you opens so many doors for how you want to be seen. I was able to start with a clean slate and I willingly left my few identities behind to be who I wanted to.
And let me tell you about the people I met. Who knew I went to school with the funniest and most genuine people? We created years of friendship over the past five weeks, it's crazy. The amount of insiders we have is ridiculous. I mean, I guess this is what happens when you see them every single day and have seen each other at our lowest and highest points lol. I literally CANNOT explain how happy I am to have met them and I'm pumped to see them when the semester starts. I truly am #blessed to call them my famz. 
But yeah, travel. It basically is flirting with life and I want more. I think this is why my parents were kinda scared of me going away. They know I'm a wanderlust person and if I'm drawn to a place or feeling, I won't be scared to follow it. So who knows what will happen or where I'll end up after I graduate university this year. 

There are more pictures, just click "read more".